We are having worship service inside the church at 11:00 am.  Also, we are still having drive-in church in the church parking lot.  To attend, please turn your FM radio dial to 87.9 .


Father in Heaven,

We, the people, in the land of the free

and the home of the brave,

desperately need You.

Oh!  That we would leave our ways

of seeking to be blessed,

and instead, seek to bless others.

We beg for Your guidance and wisdom for our leaders.

We ask You to protect our land

from enemies, both within and without.

And we praise You for the freedom

we have through the blood of Your Son.

May Your plan be the desire of our nation.

In the Name of Jesus, Amen

You can now do online giving at the church website: Friendshipbapt.org

Just follow the link



Miamisburg High School

​​ Please remember our church healthcare workers in your prayers:

DeAnna Alley

Lola Davis

Brandy Fields

Karen Fontanini

Stacy Fontanini

Kitty Infanto

Sherri Miller

Angie Miracle

Amber Rogers

​Micaela Spooner

Tyler Wessel